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[icon name=”car” prefix=”fas”] Renault Trafic ή παρόμοιο Mini bus 9 θέσεων

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[icon name=”check” prefix=”fas”] 3000 χιλιόμετρα
[icon name=”check” prefix=”fas”] Κιβώτιο : Χειροκίνητο
[icon name=”check” prefix=”fas”] Καύσιμο: Πετρέλαιο
[icon name=”check” prefix=”fas”] 24ωρη οδική βοήθεια
[icon name=”check” prefix=”fas”] Αντικατάσταση του οχήματος εντός 24 ωρών
[icon name=”check” prefix=”fas”] Συντήρηση και επισκευή του οχήματος
[icon name=”check” prefix=”fas”] Τέλη κυκλοφορίας
[icon name=”check” prefix=”fas”] Ασφάλεια κλοπής & πυρός
[icon name=”check” prefix=”fas”] Μεικτή ασφάλεια
[icon name=”check” prefix=”fas”] Ασφάλεια προς τρίτους
[icon name=”check” prefix=”fas”] Κλιματισμός
[icon name=”check” prefix=”fas”] Για επαγγελματίες και ιδιώτες

[icon name=”info” prefix=”fas”] Για να μάθετε όλες τις προσφορές μας και για περισσότερες πληροφορίες, επικοινωνήστε με ένα από τα καταστήματά μας καλώντας στο 210 9326336 ή μέσω e-mail στο
*Στην τιμή δεν περιλαμβάνεται ο Φ.Π.Α και η προσφορά είναι για ενοικίαση από 30 ημέρες και πάνω.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][stm_contact_form form=”144″ title=”ΦΟΡΜΑ ΕΝΔΙΑΦΕΡΟΝΤΟΣ”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Frequent questions

VSTAR has been active since 2017 in the field of professional van rental. VSTAR is the easiest solution of renting vans in Greece. It has the most complete fleet of vehicles at the best prices in the Greek market. You can choose the type of Van that suits your needs for moving, transporting or any other equipment movement, depending on the size of the load you want to transport.

In case you do not pay your monthly lease within the predetermined time, we will sent you a reminder by e-mail or we will notify you by phone. If within three days from the reminder, the payment is not made, then you must return the Van. Furthermore, VSTAR will immediately take all the necessary legal actions to meet its interests.

There is the possibility of pickup and delivery of the Van at your place upon request. The charge for the pickup and delivery accounts for the lessee of the vehicle and is arranged upon request.

Of course you can. Every end of the month we will send to your email the receipt or the invoice, depending on your needs.

With VSTAR all you have to do is choose any van that’s suits your needs from our fleet. Then you can send us an email at or call us at 210 9326336 to arrange the offer to suit your needs.

Of course. You are responsible for the proper use and care of the van you lease from VSTAR. The only thing we ask from you, apart from the monthly rent that you will pay, is that at the end of the lease the damage to your car does not exceed the ones (if any) at the delivery of the vehicle. Otherwise you will be obliged to bear the repair costs.

Of course! Pending necessary arrangements with the reservation department.

Of course you can. If you are over 23 years old.

With VSTAR all you have to do is choose any van that’s suits your needs from our fleet. Then you can send us an email at or call us at 210 9326336 to arrange the offer to suit your needs.

You can pay by credit or debit card. The lease and the deposit must be prepaid.


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